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Account Verification

Verifies Account and Credit Card Info

Authenticates bank account and credit card information presented by consumer

Address Insights

Address Insights: Insights are…

Address Insights provides additional information about an address that could prove meaningful to help your…

Alternative Employment and Income Data

Self-Reported Consumer Data

Provides access to a consumer's self-reported employment and income data

AML Connect

AML/KYC Screening and Monitoring

Delivering a high performance Watch Lists screening and monitoring for KYC/Onboarding needs.

Asset View

Verification of Financial Assets

Simplify the mortgage application process with streamlined asset verifications

Automated Data View

Audit Stored Customer Information

Audit the quality of customer’s data stored in the Equifax files

B2BConnect Directory Search

Commercial Marketing Directory Search

Help improve your cost-per-acquisition by 50-60% compared to a simple data list

B2BConnect Marketing Report

Commercial Marketing Report

Optimize marketing efforts and target the right businesses with B2B data on over 182M global businesses

Business Verification Solution (KYB)

Validate and verify businesses

Reduce the potential risk of fraud by confirming the legitimacy of a business, and validate the business EIN.

Consented Data Services

Consumer-Permissioned Bank Data

Get an insight into your cash flow, access your bank transactions and payments to make wiser decisions.

Consumer Engagement Suite

Credit Scores, Reports, and Monitoring

Provide your customers with single and multi-bureau credit monitoring, credit score and credit report…

Contact And Locate

Provides accurate, historical…

Provides accurate, historical information for address, phone, and property

Digital Identity Trust

Online Identity Info Verification

Verify consumer-provided digital identity information including phone, email, address and mobile device

Document Verification

Mobile Biometric Authentication

Verify an individual's identity using face and liveness detections with mobile biometrics


SSN-Based Identity Verification

Get instant access to full identity information with an easy, yet powerful SSN-based search

FraudIQ® Identity Scan Alert

Identifies suspicious information

The first line of defense in detecting potential fraud risks

ID Report

Name/Address-Based ID Verification

Returns a consumer's complete PII by simply inputting name and address

Instant Client Insights Suite

Government Benefits Eligibility

Simplify and improve social service program enrollment, case management and renewals

InstaTouch® ID

Verified Consumer Pre-Fill

Simplify digital transactions by drastically reducing the required consumer data input

InstaTouch® Pay

Credit Card Presentment

Streamline the way consumers make online payments with a frictionless experience that minimizes manual entry


Intelligent Fraud Management

Help mitigate fraud using Luminate - our premier real-time, adaptive, identity fraud solution

Military Lending Act

Military Status Verification

A fast and easy way to complete the required MLA covered borrower status check

Network Verification Service Suite

Network of Verification Products

Verification of Employment and Income, Identity and Tax Transcript

OneView (Consumer Credit Report)

Consumer Credit Plus Alternative Data

EFX Credit File (ACRO) along with alternative data assets via single access


Financial History of Job Applicants

Gain insight into an applicant's financial relationships and performance

Pre-Approval of One

Pre-Approved Offer with Soft-Pull

Lower friction by allowing consumers to complete a full credit application with no credit score impact

Precheck Consumer File Status

Locked/Frozen Consumer File Status

Proactively identify consumers with locked/frozen credit files prior to the application process

Prequalification of One

Provides Credit Options with Soft Pull

Present consumers with possible offers to help drive increase in credit applications

Prescreen of One

Prescreen for Pre-Approved Offers

A real-time pre-screening solution for pre-approved credit offers

Property Insights

Access Multiple Property Data Sets

Property insights on residential homes for fast, well-informed decisions

Property Verification

Verify Property Ownership

Confirm property ownership for better portfolio prioritization

Recovery Report

Collection-Specific Consumer Report

Maximize collectability efforts with this collections-specific consumer report

Reporting Orchestrator

It's a platform which provides online…

Reporting Orchestrator is a Cloud Native Solution designed to simplify and allow anyone to build a new Credit…

Scores and Attributes

Access Credit Attributes & Scores

Actionable consumer insights built from robust consumer credit, alternative data, and attributes

Secure MFA

Mobile/Email-Based MFA

Adds an additional layer of security for mobile transactions by integrating multi-factor authentication

Smart Screen™ Advanced - TalentCheck

Criminal Background Check

A breakthrough first step in criminal background screening, including a 7-year incarceration records search

Smart Screen™ Advanced - TenantCheck Government

Criminal Background Check

A breakthrough first step in criminal background screening, including a 7-year incarceration records search

Smart Screen™ CourtCheck for Affordable Housing

Criminal Background Check

Accelerate the criminal background screening function for housing assistance programs

Smart Screen™ CourtCheck for Hiring

Criminal Background Check

Reduce steps and accelerate the criminal background screening function

Smart Screen™ Plus - TalentCheck

Criminal Background Check

Accelerate the criminal background screening function with this breakthrough first step

Smart Screen™ Plus - TenantCheck Government

Criminal Background Check

Accelerate the criminal background screening function with this breakthrough first step

Specialty Finance Monitor & Block

Monitor and Block Specialty Finance…

Empower consumers visibility to transactions in the speciality finance market

Specialty Finance Suite

Non-Traditional Lending Solutions

Gain visibility into the non-traditional lending space

State Issued ID Trust

Verify Consumer-Provided PII

Provides visibility into the authenticity and legitimacy of a consumer’s identity

Talent Report Suite

Pre-Employment Verifications

Provides a portfolio of solutions for pre-hire employment verifications

The Work Number® ID

Consumer Identity Validation

Verify identity of credit or service applicants instantly

Verification Exchange - Canada

Income & Employment Verification

Streamlined exchange of consumer employment and income information

Verification of Education Suite

GradVerify (GV), GradVerify+ (GV+)…

Verifies someone’s enrollment, graduation, and/or degree information at the college level through three types…

Wallet Insights

Consumer Market Data/Analytics

Combine your consumer analytics with our wealth, economic and credit insights for more informed decisioning