Talent Report™ Hourly Insights Provides verification of employment and student enrollment data to help identify tenure patterns for the hourly workforce
Access to previous tenure and student
enrollment information can help guide
background screeners and employers to
better determine the likeliness of a
candidate leaving a role in less than 60
days, potentially improving employee
retention rates and lowering hiring
Data such as student enrollment status
and active employment roles with
verified employment data helps better
accommodate the needs of hourly hires.
Whether staffing up for seasonal peaks or building a long-term workforce, Talen Report Hourly Insights helps scale verification needs with more confidence.
Leverages verified employment data from more than 3.4 million employer contributors and over 695 million active and historic records on The Work Number
Access a candidate's employment data and enrollment
status consolidated into an FCRA-governed consumer
report with verified employment data from The Work
Number® and student enrollment data sourced from
National Student Clearinghouse®.
More streamlined ordering experience using a candidate’s
SSN providing previous 3 years of employment history
including employer name, employment status, and tenure
as well as student enrollment status and school name for
the previous 6 months.
Easier to identify employment patterns through job totals
based on tenure less than 60 days (active and inactive totals