Provides employer name, job title, original start and end date for the 2 most recent employers

<p>Talent Report™ Employment Staffing helps provide an instant and easy to consume verification of employment and costs one fee per fulfillment. Each report provides the 2 most recent employers from The Work Number database for a single SSN and includes employer name, job title, original start date, and end date (when available).</p>
Verify employment history

Quickly verify employment references from The Work Number® database

Access reports 24/7

Receive instant report access to real-time candidate data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Fill roles more quickly

Easy to consume report provides the 2 most recent employers from The Work Number database for a single SSN

Key Features
    • circled-check

      Provides quick confirmation for staffing agencies who need to verify employment references prior to hiring.

    • circled-check

      Uses authenticated data directly from The Work Number to verify employment of a candidate’s 2 most recent employers.

    • circled-check

      Retrieves available employment history to quickly verify employment references from The Work Number database.

Use Cases
Exclusively for the staffing industry, Talent Report Employment Staffing:
  • Quickly verifies employment references to help speed the hiring process
  • Helps with making better informed hiring decisions

Talent Report Employment Staffing is for staffing agencies or providers that support:
  • Banking and Lending: New account openings / consumer onboarding, credit applications
  • Cable & Pay TV: Applications for new service
  • Retailers: e-Commerce, online shopping
  • Mortgage (HELOC): Line of credit applications
  • Auto: Auto loan applications
  • Insurance: Applications for coverage

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