Superior Data Offerings for Background Screeners
Superior Data Offerings for Background Screeners
Begin a Streamlined, Efficient Screening Process. Increasing efficiency and providing accurate data in the background screening process can be essential components in satisfying your clients. Relying on a candidate’s self-reported data, using multiple vendors to gather key data points for criminal searches, or working with dirty or incomplete data can all hinder your ability to deliver.
Talent Report From Equifax. Equifax can help eliminate many of the data frustrations you experience today. Our Talent Report™ offers a reliable solution to validate a candidate’s identity plus uncover additional key data for use in state and county criminal history searches. With the vast breadth and depth of data sources available from Equifax, we can help you begin screening with authenticated data from a single provider,efficiently delivered to your team via API integration. And, because you can request the exact data elements you require from our Talent Report offerings, you can decrease “waste” involved in what’s obtained for each screen.